Importance of Sports Activities


Sports and games plays an important role in our day today life. The government launched the Khelo India scheme. Under this program, many sporting events are conducted across the nation. It encourages mass participation of students in the games. The primary purpose of the scheme is to identify talented people and train them adequately. We also require the sportspeople to have other sources of income as they retire. There are many advantages and impacts, it is high time that we realize the importance of sports and games.

1. Physical benefits:Sport activities make your muscles stronger and keep the bones, heart, and lungs in good condition.

2. Sports make you a moral human being: When you play sports, you imbibe qualities such as honesty, teamwork, leadership, and strategic planning. These skills will be helpful in every walk of life.

3. Sports help in enhancing your IQ: Sportspeople can accept rejections and defeats better. They understand that success and failure are both part of the game.

 4. Sports can boost academics: Sportspeople can study faster and are good at solving logical and analytical problems. Moreover, sports teach you the value of time.

 5. Sports help in healthy socializing: While playing, people have a delightful time together and develop a healthy social life too.

6. Sports - an excellent stress-buster: Sportspeople have a proper way to channelize their energy. By actively participating in games, one can balance his mood well and is likely to experience less stress in life.

 7. Sports inculcates adventure spirit: People in sports, our communities are more open to experiments. From a business point of view, it makes the country more attractive to foreign investors

. 8. Pride of the nation: When a national team wins the World cup in sports like football or cricket, the entire country is in a celebration mood. People forget their regional differences and unite as citizens of the country

 Nurturing healthy body with healthy mind, through sports.

To provide an ambience in which sports talent can be identified, nurtured and developed to pursue excellence in the international sporting arena.

 • To provide a platform for development of hidden potentialities among the learners

. • To maintain agility of body and alertness of mind among the learners about sports.

 • To create awareness about physical fitness

. • To develop sportsmanship and endurance.

 • To develop sense of national integration through sports

. • To motivate the learners to participate in the various gymkhana activities.

 • To promote the neighbourhood qualities Important

Course Details


Name Department Designation
Dr. Balasaheb Gopal Yadav English Coordinator
Prof. V.S. Mhaske Physics Member
Dr. S.M. Bhagat Chemistry Member