about Kalavishkar


Today’s education system is not just confined to academics but modern-day colleges focus on imparting skills to students like personality development, confidence building, communication skills, etiquettes, etc. Cultural activities come into play in instilling these skills in the students.

Encouraging students to participate in cultural activities is the most effective way to inculcate personality-related skills. These include activities like dancing, singing, sports, etc. Cultural activities enable students to gain confidence and understand their culture in a much better way.

Nurturing regional, national and global culture through Cultural activities.

 To provide an ambience in which cultural talent can be identified, nurtured and developed to pursue excellence in the international cultural field.

• To provide the plat form through which students can know, learn and spread regional, national culture  throughout globe.  

  • To provide a platform for development of hidden potentialities among the learners.

• To create a cultural awareness.

•To make an Actor and develop sense of national integration through cultural.

• To motivate the learners to participate in the various cultral activities.

• To promote the neighborhood qualities.


Name Department Designation
Dr. R. S. Bhalerao Science Co-Ordinator
Dr. B. G. Yadav Arts Member
Prof. S. S. Sagar Science Member
Dr. A. V. Patil Science Member
Prof. Vijaya S. Bhosale B.M.S. Member
Prof. Sajeli M. Butala C.S. Member
Mr. Amol Kamble I.T. Member

Student Co-Curricular Activities